💸How to get Testnet $BKM

To play SpaceRiders, you don't need to get any Token - $BKM beforehand, you only need BKM if you want to perform the Ownership Payment or exchange BKM for resources in the Intergalactic Stock Market (ISM).

To get $BKM you'll need to perform a few steps before. Let's begin!

Now that you have successfully loged in you are connected to SpaceRiders page and you can enjoy the benefits of it. In this page you need to press "Swap".

After pressing Swap button Swap Tool pop-up will display. In it we've added useful information for your convenience such as:

  • $BKM price

  • "Get Free Tokens For Testnet" dropdown, where you can:

    • Get BNB in Testnet

    • Get BUSD in Testnet

The steps are the following:

  1. Press "Get BNB in Testnet".

  2. You'll be redirected to https://testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart & you'll need to pass a quick captcha.

  3. Afterwards you'll need to paste your wallet address that you're using for Alpha Version and press "Give me BNB".

  4. Once you've clicked you'll be funded with 0.5 BNB in your Testnet wallet.

  5. Close this tab and press "Get BUSD in Testnet" in Swap Tool.

  6. You'll need to accept BUSD and connect to the site.

  7. Then select the amount of BNB you want to exchange for BUSD and "Confirm" transaction (Bear in mind that you should leave few BNB for in-game gas fees).

  8. Once transaction is confirmed you can go back to Swap Tool.

  9. Now click "Approve" & "Confirm approval.

  10. Then insert the amount of BUSD you want to spend and press "Swap".

  11. Metamask pop-up will display and press "Confirm".

  12. Congratulations, now you have your first Testnet $BKM!!!

Now you can buy your first Planets.

Last updated