đŸĒRarity of Planets

Each Planet, after Ownership Payment, is your NFT, which you will be able to sell and buy in the future Space Riders NFT MarketPlace. Planets are divided into 5 different Planet Rarities:

What impact do the rarities of the planets have for you?

The higher the rarity level, the better attributes the planet will have. For example:

  • Larger diameter, which means more planet slots to upgrade buildings.

  • Increased reserves, which is the amount of resources that can be extracted from the planet.

  • In addition, a higher rarity of the planet will result in a better background of the NFT card, which will be valued at a higher price in the NFT market that we will introduce.

In addition, depending on the rarity you will have the following advantage:

  • Immediate access to new game implementations such as PVP. Depending on the rarity you will have to pay X $BKM for access.

Minting Rarities Probability

Below you can check the probability that you will get each of the rarities:

Last updated